Page List - preserve line break formatting
The new C5 PageList is more complicated. In the good old days of about 1 year ago, it seems you could just change line 20 in concrete/blocks/pagelist/view.php from
echo $cobj->getCollectionDescription();
echo nl2br($cobj->getCollectionDescription());
and the line breaks would be honored from your Page Description to the Page List output.
Now the code is significantly more complicated with some helpers and whatnot:
There is a $textHelper->entities now where I'd like to put the "nl2br." So where do I put this "nl2br?"
echo $cobj->getCollectionDescription();
echo nl2br($cobj->getCollectionDescription());
and the line breaks would be honored from your Page Description to the Page List output.
Now the code is significantly more complicated with some helpers and whatnot:
There is a $textHelper->entities now where I'd like to put the "nl2br." So where do I put this "nl2br?"
Change lines 26-32 to (I added comments so you could see exactly what I changed):