Page listing

There are many add-ons that take advantage of the page listing function that display data in different ways.

I am currently trying to adapt a template (to the add-on) so that it will output in columns rather than a normal vertical listing. I'm no programmer so I am struggling but just want to know if it's even possible.

The add-on I'm using (Pro-Events) outputs the info in divs rather than in list form, any pointers much appreciated.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
An easy way in everything but IE is to keep the UL and apply css columns to it:


You may be able to add this to the block Design css, so no coding needed.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Just noticed you want it for divs. Same thing, but you need to apply the style to the a div that encloses the list of divs.
(in the same way that I applied it to the ul, not the repeated li)
dhdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks I think I could get that to work although it needs to work in IE as most of my clients still use it strange I know.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Apparently it is scheduled for IE10

There is a JavaScript fallback available to sort out IE:
dhdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks I found the JS fallback seems to work OK.