Page Templates (Can't Find Any)

I got the new version of Concrete5 5.7 and I been trying to find page templates and layouts.

I found 2 that would work for me but the theme is for the older version of concrete and will not install.

Is there any place here that just has page layouts on it. I really need to find something like the 1st image for the type of site I am making.

If anyone knows where I can get these layouts then please let me know.

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MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Elochai,

In concrete5 5.7, you have the ability to make custom layouts within a page.
Elochai replied on at Permalink Reply
It nice to see that page layouts can be made simply but unfortunately for me it more time consuming then what I need. Which is why I was hoping there would be a way I could download the template I needed which is the 1st image the most.

I was looking for a solution where I could start putting content out fast. Which is why I looked at concrete5 as a cms to try.

But if I got to take hours designing page layouts and trying to get them to work well on the page then I going to be forever getting my content out.

For this reason I may just download a normal HTML website template and edit it for my content and use that instead. It may be the fastest way. If I had the layout I was looking for then I be set for concrete5 as I'd only have to click the blocks and add the content.