Page Timeout

My site has over 5000 images and I’ve created almost 400 image sets (folders). I have a huge problem with timeout and asked my hosting company to investigate this which they have. They’re saying that the site seems to be pulling images from the files/cache folder rather than the actual folders I had specified! They have suggested that a simple code change may get the site to go straight to the folder. I have emptied the cache folder and this has made little if any difference! As this site is almost all image driven and people are coming to view the images and nothing else then to wait for over 30 seconds for each page to load is unacceptable and would send them elsewhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Multishow64 replied on at Permalink Reply
what block are you using to retrieve the pictures?
ugolfmedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. I have an Image Block in the Header then up to 12 instances of the Zoom Image Block and below this there is one instance of the Galleria Image Gallery containing 6 images.