Page type controller not loaded --

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Hey there,

I created a custom page type: Home. Whatever I do, the corresponding controller doesn't seem to be loading.

// {C5ROOT}/packages/mentor/controllers/page_types/home.php
namespace Concrete\Package\Mentor\Controller\PageType;
use Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\PageTypeController;
class Home extends PageTypeController {
    // ...

I tried removing the package and reinstalling it, deleting cache both in browser and in c5.

I tried putting it in the application folder (with Application\Controller\PageType namespace, of course) and uninstall/reinstall, but nothing seems to change.

Any suggestions?


A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Soo, what's the name of the *template* you're using? :)
warish replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever get this resolved, I am having the same exact issue ?
warish replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever get this resolved, I am having the same exact issue ?
szucslaszlo replied on at Permalink Reply

Yes, the point is, c5.7 separates templates and page types. If you have installed everything correctly, you will see that you can select the given page theme or page template or whatever on the pages attributes page separately from its page type. If you do, your page type controller will load.
warish replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I will check it out.