Page-Type Defaults: Setup on child Pages: SQL-Error ?
Hey folks,
I just tried to setup my footer blocks on all my childpages with "Setup on child pages" function.
But an error occured:
Has anyone ever heard of that error?
I just tried to setup my footer blocks on all my childpages with "Setup on child pages" function.
But an error occured:
"mysql error: [1052: Column 'ctID' in where clause is ambiguous] in EXECUTE("select Pages.cID, Collections.cDateAdded, Collections.cDateModified, max(cvID) as cvID, cvName from Pages inner join Collections on Collections.cID = Pages.cID inner join (select * from CollectionVersions order by cvID desc) as Foo on Pages.cID = Foo.cID where ctID = '11' and cIsTemplate = 0 group by Foo.cID order by cvName asc;") "
Has anyone ever heard of that error?