Pages or Express ?

if I consider having articles (entries) like:
with tags and specific fields for each of them, and having hundreds of them, should I use Pages (page type with attibutes) or Express objects ? What are the main differences ? Relationship between entries ?

If I want to display many of them on a single page with pagination, it's automaticly Express objects right ?

I'm starting a huge website and do not want to start wrong.
Merci beaucoup, Sylvain.

radeff replied on at Permalink Reply
Hie Sylvain
I answer in english but (as you I think) I'm more comfortable in... french
On my point of view, I prefer pages list with customs attributes, as it is a very old, stable (and appreciable) service of concrete5; there are many example and it works well.
When I tried to migrate on Express, I had many errors
But it was a few years ago, on unstable c5.8 versions... maybe it has changed with recent version; I know a couple of websites, quite rich and complex, which are now working with express
So I'll follow this thread because I'm quite interested in other answers you may receive on that interesting and "strategic" question
Bonne journée, FredR
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
For things like news, publications and such, I would always prefer pages over express.

The main reason is that these are entities that can very well exist each on its own page with its semantic URL and direct path.

Express will be better for more granular missions, like a list on a page that can be populated by certain options.

If anything can be served as a page, I would always serve it as a page as pages have many advantages like workflow integration, permissions, ownership by user.

I'd say: Express is useful for cases where pages cannot fulfill.