Pagination in Image Gallery
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Hello All,
Again, pagination my worst nightmare strikes :-).. I am using thins simple gallery plugin >>Gallery<< which quite enough for an Image gallery feature. What I lack of now is the pagination as if there are are 50 images in a filet, then I can limit only 20 thumbnails on page but there is no pagination.
I tried a lil bit with controller.php but got some errors. No idea how to figure out this paginator thing.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am attaching the plugin files here..
Again, pagination my worst nightmare strikes :-).. I am using thins simple gallery plugin >>Gallery<< which quite enough for an Image gallery feature. What I lack of now is the pagination as if there are are 50 images in a filet, then I can limit only 20 thumbnails on page but there is no pagination.
I tried a lil bit with controller.php but got some errors. No idea how to figure out this paginator thing.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am attaching the plugin files here..

any help pls??
This add-on provides no pagination.
Use serveral subpages with the 'Next & Previous Nav'-block in order to use this gallery.
Use serveral subpages with the 'Next & Previous Nav'-block in order to use this gallery.
Without installing the gallery, I can't be sure. But Front End List Magic may provide a solution.
If you can provide a link to a working page I can give a more informed analysis.
If you can provide a link to a working page I can give a more informed analysis.
Were you ever able to come to a solution? What was it?