Pagination Not working

Working on a new package, and pagination seems to display all the items on one page even though I've specified a limit lower than the number that appear. Controller code:
public function view($page=0){
   $sql="SELECT COUNT(email) FROM tableName";
   $total=str_replace('COUNT(email)','', $total);   
        $query = "SELECT * FROM tableName "; 
       $rows = $db->getAll($query);
   $paginator->init(intval($page), $total, View::url('/invite_list'), 10);
        $this->set('rows', $rows);
I feel like it has something to do with the page number, but I really don't know, but maybe i'm supposed to have something in view? Right now all I have in view related to paging is
if($paginator && strlen($paginator->getPages())>0){ ?>    
       <div  class="pagination">
          <div class="pageLeft"><?php echo $paginator->getPrevious()?></div>
          <div class="pageRight"><?php echo $paginator->getNext()?></div>
          <?php echo $paginator->getPages()?>
   <? } ?>
So far I've been going off the log dashboard page to get this btw.

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