Password area/members

I've looked at all the previous forum messages I could find but so far have not found the answer to my question. Since I'm still in design mode, I'd like to find out if this is even possible in C5 or whether I will need to some other option.

Once site development is finished, there will be multiple pages that are open to the public for viewing. There will also be as many or more pages that will need to be password protected so that only club members can access them. Basically, a third of the site will be public and 2/3's locked.

If I understand it correctly, I can use the built in permissions and groups options, however, that only leaves me the option of having one username/password for every club member to use.

What I want is for every member to have their own username/password, such as you would have on a discussion forum, etc. Obviously, for that there needs to be some db of members, etc.

Is this something that is doable in C5? If not, is there an addon or script that would accomplish that?

This is one aspect that I would like to know I have figured out and established how to accomplish it before I even start.

Thanks for any info!

Rad replied on at Permalink Reply
One thing I didn't specify is that I don't need to import any users and I would not need a "signup" option. When a person becomes a club member I would just go in manually and add them to the db and give them a password.

I'm assuming they could change their password at their discretion when they logged in?
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You can easily accomplish this by creating a "Members" group, you would assign each new user to this group and then using page permissions you would only allow the Members Group access to those restricted pages..
Rad replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick reply!

So, doing it that way each person would have a unique username and password (that I had given them) that they would have to enter to gain access?

And am I correct in assuming that if I structure the site correctly, due to child/inherited permissions, that once they shifted to the restricted part of the site, they would be able to see all the pages contained there without logging in but that one time?
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
That is correct as long as you setup the permissions properly (and it is not difficult)
Rad replied on at Permalink Reply
Cool, that scratches that issue off the "must be able to do" list!!

Thanks for your help, Weyboat!