Pay to post in forum
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Is there a way to charge someone a small fee to post in a forum?
Example... We are building a weekly newspaper website and are looking at using the forum add-on for a classifieds section. They want to charge a small fee to be able to post your classified ad. The forum add-on will work perfectly for what we want as far as the classifieds but I need a way to charge, say $5, to post your ad.
If anyone can help or give some suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
Example... We are building a weekly newspaper website and are looking at using the forum add-on for a classifieds section. They want to charge a small fee to be able to post your classified ad. The forum add-on will work perfectly for what we want as far as the classifieds but I need a way to charge, say $5, to post your ad.
If anyone can help or give some suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
Hello. I have a client that wants to charge for people to access photo galleries. I will have a page with 5 or 6 teaser photos and a button to view premium images for a charge of say $2.99. Is there a way to do this? If so, can I make it so the images are not available for download, just viewing? Thanks for any help or advice.
I would setup an eCommerce install, and then modify the checkout finish single page/ controllers to generate a random token, insert into a db table- say "discussionBoughtTokens" and display the token.
Then add a simple field at the bottom of the discussion post that says "token". Check if the value of this field is in discussionBoughtTokens and if it is, delete the token and post the article. If it isn't then give an error.
You might also be able to do this with but I don't know.