Concrete 5 + Google Mod_pagespeed

Updated title so people can find it easily

I updated my server to PHP 5.3 with google mod_pagspeed and now selecting from the sitemap doesn't work correctly, echoing REL_DIR_FILES_TOOLS_REQUIRED doesn't work in a href for some reason. (does outside) and typing index.php/tools/required/ instead gets the sitemap up, but it doesn't call the javascript function it used to.

I followed the guide in the other thread and modified to is_callable but this problem persists. It also has broken the multi file upload.

All these things work fine apart from in my new block?

I've also just tried to add a new block, and it gets stuck spinning on adding content ...

GEThttp://MYCONCRETE5ROOTDIRECTORY/add_block_popup.php?cID=74&btID... 404 (Not Found)

franksmule replied on at Permalink Reply
I have found the problem!!

It seems at this moment Concrete 5 and Google's mod_pagespeed are not comaptible, for now I have disabled mod_pagespeed.
triplei replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I've run into some interesting issues with it as well. When I have some extra time I'm planning on enabling the filters one at a time to see which one is causing the issues. I have the feeling it's the javascript minifying / concatenation that could be doing it.

Let me know if you happen to track a stable config yourself.
franksmule replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Did some more testing the fact that me echoing the REL_DIR_.. and it doesn't appear in the href led me to believe mod_pagespeed was doing something with it, and it was.

It is the trim_urls feature that breaks concrete 5, maybe because pagespeed doesn't understand the index.php/blah/blah/something.php url format?

Anyway adding this to .htaccess in the root of the concrete 5 directory will fix it.

ModPagespeedDisableFilters trim_urls
chemmett replied on at Permalink Reply
In case anyone runs across this thread, the mod_pagespeed team disabled trim_urls by default in version, so this fix is no longer necessary. Concrete5 works just fine with mod_pagespeed "out of the box".
programmieraffe replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey chemmelt!

Can you add & edit attributes for pages in your sitemap?

I discussed my problems here with mod_pagespeed:

At first I also thought everything works... Help appreciated!
