PHP help needed on very simple issue

I want to pull a page attribute (image) to load into a css object in the header. The css code looks like this:

   #content: background-image: url(images/art2.jpg);

and my php, like this:

      echo '#content{ background-image: url(';
      echo ', {speed: 500}); }';

and it doesn’t work. I've tried, I really have. I've analyzed the semicolons and the parens and Im lost. Im calling it in the header, of course.


triplei replied on at Permalink Reply
Just a random guess (I haven't tried and verified it) but, would adding an echo on attribute work?
      echo '#content{ background-image: url(';
      echo $c->getAttribute('background')->getVersion()->getRelativePath();
      echo ', {speed: 500}); }';
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
That gets me a blank page.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
   #content{ background-image: url(<?php echo $c->getAttribute('background')->getVersion()->getRelativePath());?>)
are you sure you're using the correct syntax for loading the javascript? do you have a link we could see?
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply

I thought it was php.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
don't think there is a {speed} declaration in css or php, so I assubmed you were using supersized or something like that.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
The url is:
this is without the code because if I put that in the page doesn’t render.

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
this works:

<style type="text/css">
#content{background-color: red;}

but that’s not what I need. An image would have to be called from its attribute.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
   #content{ background-image: url(<?php echo $c->getAttribute('background')->getVersion()->getRelativePath();?>)
works for me.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, but blank page.
BTW, Im loving your new blocks.

triplei replied on at Permalink Reply
if you view source on the blank page, are there any php errors being output?
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes! finally:
Fatal error</b>:  Call to a member function getVersion() on a non-object in <b>/home/harris7/public_html/greenpedals/themes/theme_greenpetals/elements/header.php</b> on line 17

Line 17 is the code line between the style calls.

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
that error should only happen if the attribute is not defined on that
page or the attribute isn't installed- can you check that?

On 5/12/11 10:18 PM, Concrete5 Community wrote:
TimDix replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
A little page I made to help some of my co workers work with attributes, the idea was to quickly easily copy the snippets from this file.

For your example, all you should need is this:

<? if($file = $c->getAttribute('background') ) { ?>
      background-image: url(<?=$file->getRelativePath();?>);
<? } ?>

You don't need getVersion()->, because if you take a look at getRelativePath, it automatically takes care of it for you.

Also note, that I test to make sure that the attribute exists before using it. Very important you do that with all code.

Yes, I use short tags :p
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks to all of you for your help. And thanks to Raverix for the correct way of doing this and the mini-tut.

So I'm taking it that if you call an attribute you have to test as to whether it exists or not. I thought that if it didn’t find anything it would just skip it.

I understand php a little better since starting project.

Thanks again,