Picnik API // Editing

Hi all,

I've been trying to get to grips with the new Picnik intergration via file manager 'edit'.

Having scanned the Picnik api and tweaking a few Concrete files, i've managed to get the Picnik popup to appear minus the 'create', 'save', etc... GUI tabs -- this just helps streamline the process for my client taking a picture in, and gives them little choice but to hit 'Export' to correctly return to Concrete.

Ideally, I would like to do away with the advertising banner in picnik, and i'm quite happy to pay the yearly upgrade fee to Premium for the priviledge. Problem is, i'm not sure how I can streamline this into the Picnik API call...I can certainly pass my bespoke API key, but is there a way I can send files to Picnik for editing and have it sign straight into my Premium account?

I notice there's a way to 'sign' an API call...will this do the trick?
Is this even possible?


andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure, but I would hope that specifying a premium account's API key, instead of our common API key, would take care of everything (it sure would be nice if this were the case.)

To specify your own API key instead of ours, add

define('API_KEY_PICNIK', 'yourapikeyhere');

in config/site.php
arcanepain replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, Andrew. I can confirm that this works a treat! Logs me straight in -- advertising gone, fullscreen, etc, etc...perfect. I was guessing it would...I was just after confirmation before I shelled out the $25. I know...only $25, but 'harsh economic climate' and all! Haha.

So, for anyone else holding off on this, follow Andrew's instructions above about config/site.php and get yourself a premium API key...works a treat.

You can also configure the UI and things like the JPEG compression applied on Export by following the instructions in the Picnik API and tweaking the image.php in the concrete/tools/files/edit folder. Just be careful!
bjacobs replied on at Permalink Reply
After hitting "export" in picnik, does anyone know if it's possible to have concrete5 reimport the file as a separate file instead of overwriting the old one?