Please help me...

this is driving me nuts :*(

there a few things that i have absolutely no idea how to change...
i read a lot of the posts here....but all the code stuff s too hifi for
some new for me..i just started learning css.

i need to do three things.....and i have no idea how to do it..

* to change the header image..i tried doing it through scrapbook..but i cant seem to do it...
*to change the background image....
* to modify menu options... [they are always alligned to the right for some reason]

i wis
h i knew where i should change the code....i can never find anything inside my themes folder .......

please do guide me...thanks

GreyhorseDesign replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

Some questions regarding your problem. Are you using a (free) template from the marketplace? If so, which one? Changing header or background images has very little to do with actual css other than maybe just changing a file name which you are referring to. To change these images I suggest you find the folder containing the theme's images inside your theme folder. It's usually named "images". Find the old images and replace it with your new ones.
And what do you mean by menu options?

PS: The link you provided does not work, please update it.
balls055 replied on at Permalink Reply
the template is called green salad...

and im trying to switch the header image with th eone i have...but i dont know which file to open to make the ncessary change...

what i mean by the menu options is the "home..about..bah blah"

they all seem to be allined to the right ..and if try to make a new one....i get a vertical menu bar instead of a horizontal one....
i use the "autonav" addon to create my menus.
balls055 replied on at Permalink Reply
if i really do need to play with coding and stuff....WHich file would one of you usually access ?? i see a lot of php files....and a css file...not sure which one i would modify
GreyhorseDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Please be sure to check out the editor's guide that is available on the Concrete5 website first. For example, the use of the Auto-nav block is extensively discussed.
Further more, with very little knowledge on html, css, php etc. it will be hard to get good results. You might want to consider asking developers on the C5 to help you out with your website, if there is a budget that allows you to. I can't answer you're question right now because I don't know what you mean exactly.
MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi balls055,

It sounds like you're working with Green Salad, which is one of the core themes. When you modify a core theme, you should copy it into the proper overrides directory, give it a new name, and modify the new copy. This will ensure you don't lose any changes if you upgrade, or something breaks your site in the future.

Check out this how-to article I put together:

Yes, you will need to modify your theme's css files in order to change the background and header images. I would recommend you read through some introductory articles at a site like before getting started.

Hope that helps get you on the right track!