Pledge Drive Add-on?
Is anyone working on a pledge drive add-on? Our nonprofit has a yearly walk-a-thon and would love to have a tool whereby walkers can set-up their own page to get sponsors (much like AIDS Walk or similar events).
Thanks for this. However, it seems that this Pledge add-on is for
individuals to make pledges to do something, and not what we are looking for
(folks to form teams for our Walk-a-thon with fundraising goals where they
can get sponsors to give to their team by credit card). Please correct me
if I am wrong.
> From: concrete5 Community <>
> Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2012 18:12:01 -0500
> To: "John Straw, Concern America" <>
> Subject: Pledge Drive Add-on? : Building with concrete5
individuals to make pledges to do something, and not what we are looking for
(folks to form teams for our Walk-a-thon with fundraising goals where they
can get sponsors to give to their team by credit card). Please correct me
if I am wrong.
> From: concrete5 Community <>
> Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2012 18:12:01 -0500
> To: "John Straw, Concern America" <>
> Subject: Pledge Drive Add-on? : Building with concrete5
you're probably going to need to do some custom coding then. oyou might try posting in the jobs forum.