Porting Wordpress theme to C5

A new client really liked a WordPress theme and wants me to set it up for her. After showing her Concrete5, she wants to use it but still wants that WordPress theme.

How much work is it to port the wordpress theme to C5? Is it easier to make a clean design based on the WordPress theme and make that one into a C5 theme?

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
The best way is, install WP & install that theme. Then look at the source code, copy it and create a fresh html template. Then make it a Concrete5 theme. Not that much difficult task for someone who know the html, css as well as theme conversion. I've done it many times for some of my clients.

djoniba replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, thanks.

I saw that I need to clean the code for wordpress specific code. Is there any common code that defines this? (in other words, can I use search and replace?)