Post thumbnails for page lists

I have created a block with the Page List block, and have it show a list of the five latest pages of a specific page type.

There is a summary of the text for each, but I would also like to have an image that was uploaded as an attribute to be shown as a thumbnail for each page. Essentially like a newspaper-layout, with an image for each article listed.

Preferably also resized to fit. Is there a function in Concrete5 that allows automatic resizing?

Also, how can I put a "read more" text or graphic at the end of each summary?

Thanks for any pointers that you can help me with;)

cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply

remo has a tutorial about adding images to page-list block:
johndorsay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Copy this file


(you can name this page anything in this format 'my_page_list_template'). And never alter anything in the concrete folder itself. This way you are not altering the core.

Now you can alter this file

for ($i = 0; $i < count($cArray); $i++ ) {
     $cobj = $cArray[$i]; 
     $title = $cobj->getCollectionName();
     //get the attached image based on attribute
     $lfb = LibraryFileBlockController::getFile($cobj->getAttribute('thumbnail_image')->fID); 
      $thumbnail = $lfb->getThumbnail(65,65)->src;
<img src="<?php echo $thumbnail?>" align="left" />
<h3 class="ccm-page-list-title"><a href="<?php echo $nh->getLinkToCollection($cobj)?>"><?php echo $title?></a></h3>
<p><?php echo $cobj->getCollectionDescription() ; ?><br />
<a href="<?php echo $nh->getLinkToCollection($cobj)?>">Read More</a>
<?php } ?>
webmatros replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks to both of you. Very helpful answers. I understand it a lot better now. Template override.