Power Slider Lite


In the home stretch of my first C5 site. Installed the "Power Slider Lite" add-on, and there are 3 things that just ain't working.

Would post on the author's support page, but since I tried to do this effect by installing a similar .js, not sure if it's components from that that are conflicting or what. So I am posting it here with hopes all can be well once again:

The 3 issues are:

1. font change - how do i change the font? Looked in the .css file perwww.www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/power-slider-lite/support/c... but I don't think that's the one.
2. text placement: text seems to be subsequently pushed down as each testimonial changes. There's ample room. It just acts wierd - every time it does this - I don't know why this is.
3. Hyperlinking: I just want the text to scroll. I don't want any hyperlinking. How can I remove this action?

And so you can see what I am talking about, my site is mytrucklube.com btw.

Thank you