"pre-purchase" questions

what I need this site to do: It needs to have 3 levels of permissions. mine-supermoderator, user -moderator, end user- public, & with login, no editing allowed.

I am looking for a script that will allow a user to login and edit one page only.
On that one page they need to be able to accept and view documents. pdf or word docx as well as jpg images. For security purposes, only that user is allowed to look at the document through a user personal account page (fyi this is not a xxx site). If the user has more then one page, each page is treated separately but all handled through the account page. this can get more detailed but for the purpose of this thread, I'll keep it short.

This will be part of a larger site that is highly searchable. Each page will belong to larger categories for ease of search by end user.

I would like to have pre made fields, I'll create to populate on the page that the user can fill out as well as a rich text area. basically required information on the page- mainly for searches.

can this script do this? with plugins available or do I need to create/hire?

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
C5 has a well designed user management system with private messaging, grouping, private pages... With also a well designed permission system at the individual level, group level, page level...

On the other hand what you want to do sounds very specific so you will probably need some costum coding to make it work. I would say however that C5 offers a more than complete base to achieve what you want.
AlaskanDesigns replied on at Permalink Reply
I was looking, and contacted the programmer for the jobs board plugin, still waiting to hear back…
I will go ahead and download this program and get the hang of working with it. I do like the feel of it so far, community behaves :-)

who knows I might need it for another site?!?!