Presenting a list of files available to download

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I'm just getting started evaluating CMS rather than my DIY approach.

One of the functions of our current website is to present a list of files available to our collaborators for download. I currently run a little UNIX shell script to dress up the file list a little and write it out as an index.html, for example:

I have a need to be more complicated because these files are updated frequently and irregularly and put up in that directory by people other than me. I run a shell script in a cron job several times a day to update the page html in case a new or updated file has been placed in the directory. Having the file mtime on the list is an important clue to collaborators that the file is new than the file they already have downloaded. Having the file author displayed would also be handy. What's the Concrete5 approach to this?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Short answer : put the files in a file set, then list that file set as downloadable files.

Long answer : it splits into 2 parts,
A. Getting the files uploaded into the set
B. Listing the fileset for download

There are many solutions to both parts and they can be mix & matched.

A. My favourite is one of my own addons, Front End File Uploader. You can also use the core file manager or many of the forms addons to create uploaders. You could also 'push' the upload using a custom Job and schedule it.

B. There are a few blocks that specialise in listing files or file download links. There are blocks that manage document sets or libraries. There are general purpose listing blocks such as my Uber List block that can be used to build custom downloaders.