Prevent Single Pages From Being Wrapped In Theme View.php
I have a single page (php file) which is spitting out an xml file. It also makes use of the page_list block
Unfortunately every time I try and call the page I'm shown view.php instead of the xml file.
1. Is there any way to prevent view.php from wrapping around this file?
2. Alternatively - how can I load a block with all concrete5 functions without going through index.php
- I.e. Place the create_xml.php file completely off the C5 system
Note: I've tried setting up a blank template and setting the single page style to that without sucess. I.e:
default.php+view.php = minimal stuff
And in site_theme_paths.php:
Actually scrap that.. I logged out and it worked... Ignore!...
Unfortunately every time I try and call the page I'm shown view.php instead of the xml file.
1. Is there any way to prevent view.php from wrapping around this file?
2. Alternatively - how can I load a block with all concrete5 functions without going through index.php
- I.e. Place the create_xml.php file completely off the C5 system
Note: I've tried setting up a blank template and setting the single page style to that without sucess. I.e:
default.php+view.php = minimal stuff
<?php print $innerContent;?>
And in site_theme_paths.php:
$v->setThemeByPath('/create_xml', "blank_template");
Actually scrap that.. I logged out and it worked... Ignore!...