Problem with Concrete5 upgrade
I recently upgraded my website to version 5.5.2. However, my project is still listed as version 5.4.2. As a result I cannot connect to the community from my dashboard, and I can't add any additional themes or add-ons. I'm afraid to upgrade to version Please advise.

I can't really help but if I were you I would restore backups and try to update again to see if it was just a random error with the update process.
Thanks for helping. Unfortunately I tried this and just got a worse error code! May be time for a complete redo.
You can try clearing your cache. If you need to do this manually, just rename your files/cache directory.
I have seen this error on an update that did not complete. You can try going to /index.php/dashboard/system/backup_restore/update/do_update/ to finish the update. Make sure you backup both your files and your database before attempting this.
I have seen this error on an update that did not complete. You can try going to /index.php/dashboard/system/backup_restore/update/do_update/ to finish the update. Make sure you backup both your files and your database before attempting this.
Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try and keep my fingers crossed.