Problems using AJAX with single pages.

Currently I'm trying to swap out content in a table with AJAX, depending on which "mode" the user selects(edit mode/delete mode). I don't have any previous experience using AJAX, so it's all new to me, which might also be the reason why I don't understand why it's not working. ^^

So far I've managed to use jQuery to make the request and pass data to the file targeted file.
$( '#edit_mode' ).click(function(){
      var edit_mode = $( '#edit_mode' ).val();
      var categories_json = $( '#categories_json' ).html();
      type: 'POST',
         categories_json: categories_json,
         mode: edit_mode
      url: edit_mode,
                success: function(response) {

The file which is supposed to be loaded, is placed within the "Tools" folder. My problem is I cannot use all the functionality within this file, as I could within the original view. First of all, I would like to use my jQuery functions, but I'm unable to do that within this file. I'm also unable to submit a form using $this->action('cat_change').

Here is the code of the targeted file:
namespace Concrete\Package\EaBase\Tools;
use Concrete\Core\Controller\Controller;
use \Concrete\Core\Http\Request;
use Core;
use \Concrete\Package\EaBase\Models\CategorizerModel;
use \Concrete\Package\EaBase\Libraries\BaseLibrary;
class EditMode extends Controller {
   public function edit_table() 
      $categories = $this->post('categories_json');
      $categories = json_decode($categories, true);
      $edit_mode_url = $this->post('mode');
            <div class="row">

I've tried loading the javascript functions again within the targeted file with
$this->addFooterItem($html->javascript('category_mode.js', 'ea_base')), but without any luck.