ProBlog inconsistency - posts sit under archive branch in the Sitemap?

I am working on a client website. I can see a tree structure in the client website's Sitemap different from what I see in ProBlog's Demo site. I will explain this in detail.

When I added a new blog post in ProBlog's Demo site, I could see a new branch is created with the year and month and the new blog post is added inside it such as Blog > 2013 > 12 > New Blog Post.

In the website I am working on, when I add a new blog post, it does not create the archive branch. The new blog post gets added directly under the Blog sub-folder like this: Blog > New Blog Post.

I tried re-installing ProBlog and now it's adding this archive branch whenever I add a new blog post.

I don't understand this inconsistency. I don't like the archive branch being automatically created in the Sitemap. I don't know why it's doing this on one website and not on the other.

RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
RadiantWeb liked it they way it was, but you reinstalled because it didn't match the demo?

That's some strange thinking.

There is a setting in ProBlog "enable canonical URL's". This is what determines canonical date sitemap.

Also, please use the ProBlog support area and place a ticket in the future.


BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I failed to notice the "canonical URL" option in the settings. That was right there... :)

No I reinstalled it just to see what happens. And when I reinstalled ProBlog, the "canonical URL" setting must have got enabled by default.

I wanted to use the support area but the client has purchased the license and I don't have access to their account.