ProBlog Prev/Next Links To Nowhere?
The code:
is generating this markup for my blog index page:
href="/!stacks/right-sidebar/" can't be right.
The result is two sets of prev/next links. The first set works and this set does not.
Where should I be looking to find out why?
<? if ($prev_link): ?> <div class="ccm-next-previous-previouslink"> <?= '<a href="'.$prev_link.'" alt="prev_page">« '.t('Previous').'</a>';?> </div> <? endif ?> <? if ($next_link): ?> <div class="ccm-next-previous-nextlink"> <?= '<a href="'.$next_link.'" alt="next_page">'.t('Next').' »</a>';?> </div> <? endif ?>
is generating this markup for my blog index page:
<div class="ccm-next-previous-previouslink"> <a alt="prev_page" href="/!stacks/sidebar/">« Previous</a> </div> <div class="ccm-next-previous-nextlink"> <a alt="next_page" href="/!stacks/right-sidebar/">Next »</a> </div>
href="/!stacks/right-sidebar/" can't be right.
The result is two sets of prev/next links. The first set works and this set does not.
Where should I be looking to find out why?