Probs with installing a theme
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I just did my first theme for concrete5. Its ultra simple and i have followed the guidelines.
It appears in the theme section, but when pressing install nothing happens. No error or no completion. It just keeps "ready to be installed".
Can you help me?
I just did my first theme for concrete5. Its ultra simple and i have followed the guidelines.
It appears in the theme section, but when pressing install nothing happens. No error or no completion. It just keeps "ready to be installed".
Can you help me?
There is something wrong with your controller.php file. You might want to double check or compare it to the default plain yogurt controller.php file.
Its made like just a theme. Not a package. I therefore havent made any controller file or modified one.
Is this is mistake?
Is this is mistake?
what directory are you putting the theme in? You have to have a default.php file I believe too you might want to Double check that as well.
Im putting the theme into the /themes folder.. NOT the /concrete/themes folder. I have a default.php as the only page type.
Copy your default.php and label it view.php and repeat this process labeling a right_sidebar.php and a left_sidebar.php... see if that does anything.
You will also need to copy a view.php as well. Would be good if you had the left/right php files as well as a standard of course. But you definately need the view.php.
Also call this in your header.
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?>
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?>
Alright i now have the following files:
elements folder
images folder
And i also defined as u're suggestion in all my files.
Still cant install..
elements folder
images folder
And i also defined as u're suggestion in all my files.
Still cant install..
description.txt that is :)
Damn man... I have an Idea. My be a bit redundant but try this...
Take the plain yogurt theme duplicate it and swap all the code for your code... make sure to keep the elements directory and use the header.php and footer.php file
Take the plain yogurt theme duplicate it and swap all the code for your code... make sure to keep the elements directory and use the header.php and footer.php file
that was going to be my last guess haha. I'm glad you got it worked out! :)
I havent got it worked out.. :( I really dont understand it.. I would prefer not having to duplicate an already made theme.
I've googled around and i cant seem to find anymore who have had the same problem as I. Something i really dont understand either.
I've googled around and i cant seem to find anymore who have had the same problem as I. Something i really dont understand either.
You can also try this. See attached OOPs Try this instead
eh I don't know what else the problem would be. I would try the duplication thing. Or at least look through Plain Yogurt to see what your theme is missing from it.
To my knowledge, your theme needs:
- To be in its own directory (/themes/mytheme)
- To have a description.txt file
- To have a default.php file (which could be nothing other than "Hello World" to try it out)
Files you should consider using also include:
- A view.php file for single pages
- Files for full, left_sidebar and right_sidebar
- A separate header or footer file, so that all your page types can share common elements
- At least one CSS or JS file
- To be in its own directory (/themes/mytheme)
- To have a description.txt file
- To have a default.php file (which could be nothing other than "Hello World" to try it out)
Files you should consider using also include:
- A view.php file for single pages
- Files for full, left_sidebar and right_sidebar
- A separate header or footer file, so that all your page types can share common elements
- At least one CSS or JS file
- Yes.. : it is in /themes/hummus
- Yes, at the themes page it says the name and description correctly
- Yes default.php containing:
Still nothing happens when pressing install theme. And it is possible to install other themes. AND i also tried deleting the cache..
wtf.. :S
- Yes, at the themes page it says the name and description correctly
- Yes default.php containing:
Still nothing happens when pressing install theme. And it is possible to install other themes. AND i also tried deleting the cache..
wtf.. :S
Lets try this again.
See attached
See attached
I'm having the same problem, and install of a new theme worked just fine two days ago. I can't seem to fix it no matter what I do.
OK, here's how I fixed it, and this makes no sense, but I tested after each try and this was the last. I simply altered the theme file name (the one of the containing folder). I took it from 5 characters to 7. For some reason that did it.
OK, I just had the exact same problem. I had a C5 site on another server, and there were some issues with it and urls and what not.
So, I have this other server available. I did a fresh install of C5 , uploaded the theme from the other site, and could not install it.
So I took the suggestion of renaming the folder and it worked. Why I have no idea.
FWIW, the reason I started this exercise was because I'm under the impression that some of the weirdness on the old site is because it was started with an older version and had a couple of upgrades along the way. So, like Windows, I'm thinking a fresh install will work better... I've done fresh installs that had no problems whatsoever on the same servers.
So, I have this other server available. I did a fresh install of C5 , uploaded the theme from the other site, and could not install it.
So I took the suggestion of renaming the folder and it worked. Why I have no idea.
FWIW, the reason I started this exercise was because I'm under the impression that some of the weirdness on the old site is because it was started with an older version and had a couple of upgrades along the way. So, like Windows, I'm thinking a fresh install will work better... I've done fresh installs that had no problems whatsoever on the same servers.
Wtf!? Ooyeah, adding a couple of characters will do the work. Didn't see that coming. Thanks!
Check your ' " " ''s and all that as well.
Will like to see the theme once your done.