Product configure add on
Is there an existing add-on that I have overlooked that I can use to make a "product configure" tool that, based on site visitor choices, lead to another page or drop down where other options are selected until ultimately the final product can be displayed with image and ordering information? Barring that, can someone point me in the right direction on how to go about doing this on my own bearing in mind I cannot write code css etc? Thanks,
Is there an existing add-on that I have overlooked that I can use to make a "product configure" tool that, based on site visitor choices, lead to another page or drop down where other options are selected until ultimately the final product can be displayed with image and ordering information? Barring that, can someone point me in the right direction on how to go about doing this on my own bearing in mind I cannot write code css etc? Thanks,
Thanks growthcurve. I don't currently have ecommerce installed since we
are not trying to sell the products online but I may have to install if I
cannot find another way to go about it. Thanks,
On Monday, August 4, 2014, concrete5 Community <>
are not trying to sell the products online but I may have to install if I
cannot find another way to go about it. Thanks,
On Monday, August 4, 2014, concrete5 Community <>
The only other thing I can think of would be use an advanced form builder. There are a couple of addons that allow you to set up your own complex form - including paypal integration - so that you can have a step-by-step process. A couple to look at:
- ProForms:
- Advanced Forms:
I hope that helps.