profile edit

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how can you edit the profile page?
mine is under /index.php/profile/1/ for exapmle.
i like to delete the following things:

member since

thanks and best regards

1 Attachment

jshannon replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You have to do two things, because that page is built in two different ways:

1. The links on the left are created automatically, as part of the autonav block.

You can't manually edit the links anywhere, but you can tell the autonav block to not include a specific page. Go to the page (by clicking the 'Edit' link), then take the page into edit mode ('Edit Page' on the toolbar), then add the 'Exclude from Nav' attribute ('Properties' in toolbar, 'Custom Attributes' tab, add 'Exclude from Nav', check 'Yes', Save), then Exit Edit Mode.

2. The text (such as Member Since) is part of an included element

You'll have to edit the HTML to remove the what you want. But, as is the standard with c5, you shouldn't edit the file directly.

Copy /concrete/elements/profile/sidebar.php to /elements/profile/sidebar.php (you'll have to create the profile directory). Then edit the file as you wish.

zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
How can you edit it so that it doesn't insert itself into the view.php? My Profiles can only be viewed in the "Members Only" section of my site and that has a completely different navigation system, so I can't have the Profile dragging in the view.php because it has the basic non-Members site nagivation at the top.