profile pages url

I'm looking to change the default url of the profile pages from /concrete5/profile/
to /concrete5/staff-profiles/

Is there a simple way to do this? I dont see a mechanism for changing single page urls, and it seems silly to copy a few different directories from the core to my user folders for a simple name change...

dennimoto replied on at Permalink Reply
You can change single page locations by going to Dashboard->Sitemap and clicking the page and selecting Attributes.

You may change the location attributes in edit mode.
bjacobs replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. I went to Dashboard -> Sitemap. Checked "show system pages" so the Profile pages would appear. Click on it and didnt see "Attributes" but hit "Properties". In the first tab you can change the name of the page but that doesnt change the URL.

In the second tab it says this "Canonical URL: profile" but you can't change this. In the third tab, the custom attributes are there but there's nothing applicable.

I'm using version
dennimoto replied on at Permalink Reply
Oops, I didn't relize you were tying to change the system profile folder. The only way I know how to do that is to use your hosts file manager or FTP to change the name of the directory manually. Then use phpmyadmin to update the paths under the PagePaths entry. There are four fields to change.

However, I'm not sure if your next C5 upgrade would reset those fields on your DB or not???
bjacobs replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm definitely looking not to edit the core at all. I'll find another way...