publish website
i just found my tile installation website by searching google keywords tile installation, my city. the heading was template home, not the name of my business. and when i clicked the link it took me to the about us page and it was in edit mode. is there some kind of final publish that i haven't done? when you access the website through a http address it doesn't do this.
should i edit the meta title through each page under properties/custom fields or through page types and themes?
the first one.
in sitemap/home page/properties/ custom fields under meta title i put my websites name. under meta description i put what i do for a living. under meta keywords i put some keywords down that someone interested in my services might use to search. i don't know what exclude from nav means. this is not changing template home to my business name. could you explain what i'm doing wrong? thank you very much
i didn't realize this must be edited using html code. can anyone give my the code for changing the meta title, description, and keywords? thanks
i didn't realize this must be edited using html code. can anyone give my the code for changing the meta title, description, and keywords? thanks
you're in the right place.
when you goto the page in question and view source do you see this stuff in the header area of the code? (between the <head> </head> tags)
are you using a custom theme?
when you goto the page in question and view source do you see this stuff in the header area of the code? (between the <head> </head> tags)
are you using a custom theme?
i am not sure. i am using the orange sunset theme that i downloaded through concrete5.
i don't know how to view source. i am going to research that today and learn.
i don't know how to view source. i am going to research that today and learn.
can you give me the url to your website?
The title is appearing twice, once hard coded in the default.php file & again set by c5 in header_required. The browser is only picking up the first instance which is set to:
To correct it on your site open up:
And near the top you'll see:
Just delete that line, save & it should be fixed on your site.
I'm fixing it on the site now..
<title>template: home</title>
To correct it on your site open up:
And near the top you'll see:
<title>template: home</title>
Just delete that line, save & it should be fixed on your site.
I'm fixing it on the site now..
Fixed: I published the new version of Orange Sunset in the marketplace.
it also sounds like you might want to add the meta title custom attribute to your pages to change what google sees in the <title> tag