question using $db = Loader::db();

Hi! I was wondering how I could bring about the next issue.
I have created an XML file to hold a database model for a block.

Inside this database model there is a table that I created called
BtProductInformation with a field name called fIDpicture.

<table name="btProductInformation">
<field name="fIDpicture" type="I"></field>

The field fIDpicture is used to store an image inside the database.
Obviously I want this image to show (and turn the fIDpicture into an actual picture).

I started writing a function in the controller.php to achieve something like this, but I got stuck..

function getPicture() {
$db = Loader::db();
     $rs = $db->Execute('SELECT bfIDpcitrue FROM btProductInformation bpi WHERE categoryID = ?)

or should it be done with something like this?

function getPicture() {
      if ($this->fIDpicture > 0) {
         return File::getByID($this->fIDpicture);
      return null;

Thanks in advance for someone who could help me out with this!

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
The second way is better. All the fields in your main database table name should be automatically loaded as class variables, so what you're trying to do in the second getPicture should totally work.