Read Parameter from app.php config file

Hi There,

I am doing my first steps with the new 5.7 Version of Concrete5. Now I am trying to read a Parameter from the app.php config file.

I added the param like this:

return array(
    * If minified assets should be used
    * @var bool
   'is_prod'  => false,

In my Page Template File, I am trying to access the Param like this:

<?php echo Config::get('app.is_prod'); ?>

Somehow, the value is always empty.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
If you change it from a boolean false to a 0 does the 0 echo out? Did you clear the cache (or turn it off) before and/or after you added this? The caching of things seems to be very hard to get around in 5.7
janwidmer replied on at Permalink Reply
Cache was turned off before.. weird, today I tried it again and it works..thanks for your help anyway. :-)
