Rebuilding a wordpress site in Concrete5
Hi guys/girls,
A potential client of mine is looking to completely redesign their company website. The website was created with Word Press and I'd like to re-build it with Concrete5. I'm not sure how to do this - because what I want to do is build the site without publishing anything until its complete. It will take time to redo/customize the new site and I can't have the original url in limbo...
So how can I build a site on the side, then once its ready to go live I can point the DNS of the companys url over to the new host with the new build?
Is there an offline mode to build upon? I'm simply not sure of the best way to do this...
A potential client of mine is looking to completely redesign their company website. The website was created with Word Press and I'd like to re-build it with Concrete5. I'm not sure how to do this - because what I want to do is build the site without publishing anything until its complete. It will take time to redo/customize the new site and I can't have the original url in limbo...
So how can I build a site on the side, then once its ready to go live I can point the DNS of the companys url over to the new host with the new build?
Is there an offline mode to build upon? I'm simply not sure of the best way to do this...
You can build this on another domain and transfer it when it's ready. Concrete5 also has a built in "Maintenance mode" (index.php/dashboard/system/permissions/maintenance_mode/) that you can enable on your site that will only allow logged in administrators to view / use the site while this is enabled if you are working on this in public web space this may be the thing to go with.
This is great. Thanks for the suggestions. I did clue in and remembered I created a new Arvixe account to install C5 on, I can simply use that domain to create the site, then point the clients domain to this site - so long as I keep the Arvixe hosting paid for...
I am intrigued by the WAMP service - I like this idea because I can simply work 'offline' building the pages, I'm going to try it out Thanks for the find.
Cheers, I'm sure I will have more q's down the line...
I am intrigued by the WAMP service - I like this idea because I can simply work 'offline' building the pages, I'm going to try it out Thanks for the find.
Cheers, I'm sure I will have more q's down the line...
Guide for MAMP on Mac:
Guide for WAMP on Windows: