Registration/form error notification

Nothing show when there's an error in the form.
Where can I fix this?

The registration components are all default

tonyswaby replied on at Permalink Reply
There's got to be something missing anyone know which files are involved in the registration form?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
In your theme's view.php, do you have this line? This is what displays errors/successes/messages.

<?php  View::element('system_errors', array('format' => 'block', 'error' => isset($error) ? $error : null, 'success' => isset($success) ? $success : null, 'message' => isset($message) ? $message : null)); ?>
tonyswaby replied on at Permalink Reply
No, but it's not in the elemental theme either.

The same theme is used on two different C5 installs, one shows the error message the other doesn't.

Must be something else.
