

I am picking away at too many things that I think have occurred from an upgrade, theme changes, and messing around with the header.php and other files.

I would like to backup all files, save the text I've added and do a fresh reinstall.

Things that I can't fix and spend too much time are fonts that don't change, text alignment not being correct, and weird js behavior (and no replies after many posts) on the home page.

So, considering database integrity, what is the best way to do a fresh install, ensuring I have the Greek Yogurt theme?

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
reupload the root/concrete directory to your webserver. delete your sql database and root/config/site.php. then go to your website and you should get an install screen.
pranaman replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks. Did it.

Not sure if I am running 5.5.0 or 5.5.1. I thought it was 5.5.0, as I wanted the one with Greek Yogurt, but I didn’t see it in the Themes menu, even though it is in the directory on the web server. Did a query from another post to add it to the dB, and made it show up.

So, starting over. Chose the GY theme, set color scheme. Edited Home page - but it looks like it is missing something.

Didn't see "Add to Header", "Add to Main", etc, as the text is black on grey (on attachment). Looked closer and I noticed it's the lack of contrast.

I thought something was wrong.

Well, I want to add a logo (used scrapbook before, but now I am reading I should use stacks. Still reading.) and put all the pieces back together.

I imagine this should be easy, but I'm just having a hard time.

A few questions:
* How can I tell which version I am running?
* What is the easiest way to add a logo and the auto-nav?
* If the logo and the auto-nav are not horizontally aligned, (which I ran into before), what is the best way to correct this (I was shared an add on spacer, but I kind of feel it's an extra thing that I should be able to adjust without needing that).
* Client mentioned that the header was a bit too big before. If I want to trim about 1/2 inch off the top, how can I do that?
