Remove Context Menu
I have some users that aren't very techy and the number one issue I have right now is when they left click the block, go into the context menu and then click "edit". I get asked all the time, "can't we just go straight into edit mode when I left click on the block"? In all fairness, the extra context menu items are only admin related features (for my setup).
Does anyone know how I could remove the edit context menu (just for a certain customer group) and just go straight to edit mode for that block?
Does anyone know how I could remove the edit context menu (just for a certain customer group) and just go straight to edit mode for that block?

anyone have any ideas?
There have been a good number of people who ask this. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a answer. I don't think this is possible without some recoding of C5 itself. Sorry.
I gathered as much. I was wondering if someone had attempted to code in the ability to do what I have asked for. I'll keep searching :-)
Hi there,
Did you find the way to turn off right click menu?
Thank you!
Did you find the way to turn off right click menu?
Thank you!