Remove header images from blog entry page

Hi gang!

Have installed Concrete for a client, and used the pre-install test site option (I'm new at this...) - and it's great! Only thing is, I'd like to edit the Blog_entry page, so that the pre-installed images in the header go away, leaving a new blog entry header-image less, and also, I'd like there to be just one block for text entry, instead of the "teaser-block" and the "full post" block.

Any help greatly appreciated + karma just *waiting* for a new home... :-)

Best regards,

Hypocrite replied on at Permalink Reply
You have to edit the main theme files you are using.

If you are using Plain Yogurt as your default theme, go into /concrete/themes/default/ folder.

You can find all the files for the theme there.

If you edit the file blog_entry.php, there are two blocks:
Blog Post More

If you only want the main block, remove the other:
<div class="pageSection">
<?php  $a = new Area('Blog Post More'); $a->display($c); ?>

The header file should be also easy to update from the theme folder. Either replace the image with a new file or edit the header area to change the image.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You can remove the images from the headers by going to Dashboard -> Pages and Themes -> Page Types (little grey link in the top navbar), then click the "Defaults" button across from the "Blog Entry" page type in the list. Edit this defaults page and remove the image from that header area.
Now new blog entry pages will not have that image in there.

Getting rid of the second area is trickier, but I think @Hypocrite's response is correct. Just make sure you remove "Blog Post More" and leave the "Main" one because otherwise you will not see any blog post content appear on the top-level blog index page).
jlehmann replied on at Permalink Reply
Typical - I went forward and didn't do it stepwise, so I don't know which one of you to credit? :-P

First, I nixed the code from the backend via the FTP-server, in accordance with Hypocrites suggestion. Then I went to the dashboard, and deleted the images in the header and the top-block (which was still showing?) from the Defaults, and saved the changes - and it works! :-D

So I'm going to mark jordanlev's as best answer, solely based on the fact that the more-block was still visible in the dashboard after deleting the lines of code from the blog_entry.php-file via FTP.

THANK YOU BOTH for your speedy and helpful replies! :-)
