Removing Space Between Header and Body - Concrete5.7

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Concrete5.7 I am using the Elemental Theme. I have used Joomla! for years and I simply got tired of the amount of issues I kept running into and I simply loved how easy it was to edit a site using Concrete5! So I took the plunge and am now in the process of rebuilding my Gaming site with Concrete5.7 and I am loving it!

However there is always a learning curve... So basically here is the problem, I am trying to clear out the header and place a banner image across the whole header. So far I have managed to change the containers to center the one container I am using for the banner image, however I am stuck with two issues that are simply driving me nuts!

1.) there is a blank space / Line in between the Header and the Body that I simply can't find the code to change. I want that dang white line gone.

2.) I want to add a background_img that only changes the body's background. and repeats downward as needed.

I think that pretty much sums it all up. Thanks for any and all help guys.

Here is the URL for referance:

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi realdude19,

You should be able to remove the line (border-bottom) between <header> and <main> by adding this CSS to your Custom CSS.
div.ccm-page header {
    border-bottom: none;

Regarding the background image, do you mean the <body> tag or the area below the <header> and above the <footer>?

If you are referring to the area below the <header> and above the <footer>. That is the Main Area (<main>). You can set a background image just for that area with the Design & Custom Template options.
realdude19 replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome that worked great! I am glad that you answered so quickly and so well. That was exactly what I was looking for.

Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
something gone wrong with that page or the configuration...
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
I noticed that too.

The error happened when I was writing the answer to his second set of questions (in another thread).

I've encountered that specific error before, but never after install. When it occurred before install, in my case, it was due to certain characters not being accepted as legal in the password.