Replace and Load Jquery 2 in 5.7

I am wondering if it is "safe" to replace and use Jquery 2.x.x in

I'm working on a client project that is using a theme that uses jquery 2.1.4. I know that uses jquery 1.11, but I need to use 2.x. Is it safe to do so?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi PineCreativeLabs,

I recommend setting up a test install to see if jQuery 2 works properly. If it does not, I believe you can conditionally load jQuery 1.x when logged in and jQuery 2.x for guests.

"jQuery 1.9 API equivalence: jQuery 2.0 is API-compatible with 1.9, which means that all of the changes documented in the jQuery 1.9 Upgrade Guide have been applied to jQuery 2.0 as well. If you haven’t yet upgraded to jQuery 1.9, you may want to try that first. Be sure to use the jQuery Migrate plugin."

It seems like they should work the same way. I would make sure that you use the full 2.x build though and not a custom build that might be missing something that concrete5 uses.