Replace PDF's in File Manager

Seeing if anybody has found a work around for this.

I have a site for a restaurant where I have a menu page with links to downloadable pdfs that are in the File Management system.

To create the links to these pdfs, I went into the file management properties for each pdf and copy/pasted the url.

When the restaurant owner wants to change the menus, I thought I could have him just "replace" the file through the file manager. The problem is that the direct link to the file changes to a new unique url.

Any ideas on how to make this work so that the owner doesn't have the change the code every time he changes the menus?

Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
> To create the links to these pdfs, I went into the file management
> properties for each pdf and copy/pasted the url.

Assuming you're using a Content block to create the PDF links, try clicking "Add File" at the top of the dialog and choosing the file that way.

aghouseh replied on at Permalink Reply
If you get the "download" URL, it just uses the fileID to get the actual URL to the file on the system, which would not change if you updated file versions. You can get that URL by going to the File Manager and clicking the file, then right click "Download" and copy that URL. That should do it.
brabin replied on at Permalink Reply
I know I'm opening an old thread here, but I've been struggling to figure out how versioning works in File Manager and could use some help.

I am trying to find the download URL so I can send it to people e.g. as a direct link via email, and yet still take advantage of the replace functionality in File Manager. But I cannot seem to get the download URL to show up using the method suggested here. When I click on properties and then click on download, a script runs and the download begins, but I never see the actual URL in order to be able to copy it. If I right click on download rather then left click, I get an option to copy the link, but all that does is copy this to my clipboard:
How do I find this download URL?