Replace_Nav_With_Second or third???

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I need to press a button called "Services" and have it skip to Services > Cut > Men's Haircuts. Please see image of my sitemap attached. Thank you.

1 Attachment

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Get the url of the destination page. Go to sitemap. Click on your parent page. Select "Add External Link" put in your url and name it as you see fit.

If you need you can exclude the pages real parent for the navigation.

zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
This does not work. It would work if Men's wasn't a child of Cut, probably. Interesting approach anyway. thanks for trying.
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess I'm going to have to add a javascript redirect to that page. Is there anyway to add that to the page without creating a custom template?

Something like:

<script language="JavaScript">
<!--Script courtesy of - Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design and Development
var time = null
function move() {
window.location = ''
johndorsay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Add in a page attribute called custom_link
Then update the autonav block by checking if thus attribute is set and if so re-write the page link to the custom_link.
Let me know if you need the code
zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you!

I would need the code. I'm just learning php.

(Right now I just have a 0 second Javascript redirect which serves the purpose but is inelegant, for sure. Not the kind of code to impress clients with. :)
johndorsay replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
this is the only peice of code that you need to add.

I have also attached my full version
make sure you save this to blocks/autonav/templates/header_menu.php

$externalLink = $_c->getAttribute('external_link');
if ($externalLink == true) {
$pageLink = $externalLink;

zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
holy crap, thank you so much!! Hope this works... tallacman suggested "external link" too, but I couldn't get it to work. I'll let you know if this works out for me. Thanks again.