Replace_Nav_With_Second or third???
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I need to press a button called "Services" and have it skip to Services > Cut > Men's Haircuts. Please see image of my sitemap attached. Thank you.
This does not work. It would work if Men's wasn't a child of Cut, probably. Interesting approach anyway. thanks for trying.
I guess I'm going to have to add a javascript redirect to that page. Is there anyway to add that to the page without creating a custom template?
Something like:
<script language="JavaScript">
<!--Script courtesy of - Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design and Development
var time = null
function move() {
window.location = ''
Something like:
<script language="JavaScript">
<!--Script courtesy of - Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design and Development
var time = null
function move() {
window.location = ''
Add in a page attribute called custom_link
Then update the autonav block by checking if thus attribute is set and if so re-write the page link to the custom_link.
Let me know if you need the code
Then update the autonav block by checking if thus attribute is set and if so re-write the page link to the custom_link.
Let me know if you need the code
Thank you!
I would need the code. I'm just learning php.
(Right now I just have a 0 second Javascript redirect which serves the purpose but is inelegant, for sure. Not the kind of code to impress clients with. :)
I would need the code. I'm just learning php.
(Right now I just have a 0 second Javascript redirect which serves the purpose but is inelegant, for sure. Not the kind of code to impress clients with. :)
this is the only peice of code that you need to add.
I have also attached my full version
make sure you save this to blocks/autonav/templates/header_menu.php
$externalLink = $_c->getAttribute('external_link');
if ($externalLink == true) {
$pageLink = $externalLink;
I have also attached my full version
make sure you save this to blocks/autonav/templates/header_menu.php
$externalLink = $_c->getAttribute('external_link');
if ($externalLink == true) {
$pageLink = $externalLink;
holy crap, thank you so much!! Hope this works... tallacman suggested "external link" too, but I couldn't get it to work. I'll let you know if this works out for me. Thanks again.
If you need you can exclude the pages real parent for the navigation.