Researching whether concrete 5 will suit my needs

I have an expert Q&A and reviews website and I'm looking for a CMS with admin panel for user management. The basic requirements are:

Add generic Q&A (WYSIWYG)
Moderate user-generated Q&A
Add new blog posts
Add new author bios for blog posts (photo, links etc)
Categories, sub-cats, tags (for content)

Admin panel (mysql database):

Review member applications (show all data entered into form)
Approve new members and assign them as free/paid
reject new members
Approve member updates to info
Review client reviews (show all data entered into form)
Approve/reject reviews
Manage client registrations
Email templates for automatic emails following moderation of above

We have a custom build that is not functioning very well and has lots of bugs so looking for something thats been thoroughly tested and ideally offers a dashboard type interface with notifications list of all items needing attention and be responsive. Google analytics integration would be fantastic too.

I'm expecting to need to get my developer to customise it but would concrete 5 be a good foundation?

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

Concrete5 would be a great fit for your project but as you said, you'd still have some customization to do.

GOing through your list:
Add generic Q&A (WYSIWYG) - Easy just add a content block to any page and start writing
Moderate user-generated Q&A - need some custom coding but not complicated
Add new blog posts - easy either with one of the blog add-ons or just directly with a custom page type
Add new author bios for blog posts (photo, links etc) - with pro Blog or some custom coding
Categories, sub-cats, tags (for content) - with pro Blog or custom coding

Admin panel (mysql database):
Review member applications (show all data entered into form) - no problem registration can be set on "approval needed"
Approve new members and assign them as free/paid - see above and use groups with custom permission to assign your users
reject new members - of course
Approve member updates to info - I'm not sure about this one actually. You can easily be warned by email but I don't know about approval for that
Review client reviews (show all data entered into form) - there might be a review add-on in the marketplace or will need some custom coding
Approve/reject reviews - same comment
Manage client registrations - how is it different than what you asked above?
Email templates for automatic emails following moderation of above - yes email templates are included

Google analytics can be integrated quite easily either through the dashboard or within your theme for a more granular control.

You might want to make sure your developer understands Concrete5 structure before launching into this though. Concrete5 is not Wordpress or Magento or... Each has a different way of working and an optimal way of working.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The latest version of C5 will do all you require quite easily, most of the functionality is built-in.