Reset page permissions?

Is there a magic method to reset all page permissions to their defaults in c5?

I've inherited a site built by a client (badly) and I need to restore permissions on all pages to their defaults. The site is set up to use advanced permissions. Running

I don't see that in the dashboard anyhwere... is there something I can clear in the database?

invision replied on at Permalink Reply
I asked this waaayy back in January and still don't see a response. Is there a method to reset all page permissions? My client set up a site in Concrete5 and munged the page permissions. It's hundreds of pages, and I don't want to have to go through and change permissions page by page...

Inherit and page type permissions are being overridden by manual permissions.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Its not recommended but you can turn off advanced permissions by finding define('PERMISSIONS_MODEL', 'advanced'); in your site.php found at /config/site.php Turning it off may cause other issues though, and you will want to read this thread about possible issues.

One thing that may help you more is that if you set the top level page settings, and then click off on all sub pages inherit these permissions than it will reset all second level to the top level parents settings (at least it does for me) and than do the same for 2nd levels that have children.