Responsive menu CSS issue

Hi - can anyone tell me how I can edit the CSS for the responsive menu on this page.

I would like the nav bar to become the smaller menu block with the drop downs running off that when in the iPad/Tablet mobile state. This seems to be working more or less fine. But I need the menu copy to be in grey not white when in the mobile menu state. But I can't see how you change that any ideas anyone?? I'd also like the ability to change the background colour of this dropdown to a different colour/not white. Any ideas anyone?? Getting a bit desperate as want to get this live...

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Find all occurrences of
@media only screen....
on your themes main.css

and add the below line
.top-bar-section ul li > a{
    background-color: #363D49;

Note: You need to add this piece of code in several places.

You can change the color as you like. Then clear your cache.
GundlachMarketing replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe a bit off topic, but your on your Web Design page, the SEO and Social Media Headings have the same content.