Review / Guestbook
Hello. I have been searching for a add on to the guestbook or a another block were you can, without beeing logged in, type a comment (like with the guestbook) but the comment i also need displayed in another sidewide block - i will use this for people who are kind enough to give a review and then i want a constant block showing last 5 reviews posted in the review section.
Im looking for a simple block that can either do this or be modified fairly easy to do the job - im not looking to use problog etc. for this task.
Anyone know about a block that can do this ?
Thank you
Im looking for a simple block that can either do this or be modified fairly easy to do the job - im not looking to use problog etc. for this task.
Anyone know about a block that can do this ?
Thank you
Works perfect! Thank you
how do they not work- im not understanding what you want I guess.
Im sorry, i was to quick there... the last link was exactly what i needed. Thanks a lot.
Do you by any chance know how i can fix it so that it only shows a certain number of characters from the quote? like truncate after 128 characters or something...?
thank you
thank you
those might help you out.