Anyone know if there are any compatibility issues with RHEL6. RHEL tends to avoid using bleeding edge packages in their distributions (for example, in the base distro of RHEL6 PHP is at 5.3.3-49) which can cause compatibility errors. But I would like to check.
I also have access to RHSCL which is more bleeding edge than the base packages, but even that is a bit behind the times. Any compatibility issues with RHSCL?
I also have access to RHSCL which is more bleeding edge than the base packages, but even that is a bit behind the times. Any compatibility issues with RHSCL?

Not quite the answer to your question. My main dev system is Fedora 23 with php5.6. Very stable. I have been pondering updating to Fedora 25 and hence php7, but keep putting it off for a very quiet day (more likely a week) as I still have projects on c5.6.3.