RSS, atom, etc?

I just pulled down C5 yesterday and have been looking through it and the available extensions, and can't find anything for publishing part of my site as RSS or Atom.

I know C5 isn't a blogging engine per se, but is there a way (without a ton of custom code) to do blog-like things with it, in particular, publishing feeds of dynamic content?


Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
check out the page list block.

You can create an rss feed in a few seconds!

you could probably even create a custom block template to style the list in a block like way...
vds replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, I'm probably just being a dense noob, but as I said before, I *just* got this thing installed and have never used it before.

Your response is probably really useful, but I too dense to get it. I understand from the docs what blocks are, but I didn't see anything in there that made me go "aha!", so can you please expand your suggestion?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
add a page list block to a top level page.

it lists pages from a spot in your site.

you can use this to create a blog like architecture, a press release list, a catalog - you name it.. its a list.

there's an option, in options, to offer that list as RSS.

theres no atoms support in c5 today

don't be afraid to click on stuff. if you delete a page that's final, but just about everything else can be undone in concrete5