Rules for Developers
Hi, are developers allowed to add whatever they want to the concrete5 backend and within their theme? I noticed that there is a $15 add-on for superfish drop down menu, but I would rather embed the code into the theme myself to save money. Am I missing something? Or, are add-ons just for people who don't want to mess with the code themselves?
concrete5 is MIT licensed so not only can do you add whatever you want, but you don't have to release what you add under open source rules as you might a GPL project.
add-ons in our marketplace are licensed on a per-site basis and are geared for either developers or site owners. Certainly you're welcome to build whatever you want from scratch, but if you want something to just work or you want a safe starting point, an add-on makes sense.
add-ons in our marketplace are licensed on a per-site basis and are geared for either developers or site owners. Certainly you're welcome to build whatever you want from scratch, but if you want something to just work or you want a safe starting point, an add-on makes sense.
with some of my new themes comming out, superfish is hardcoded, check out c5mix's luminosity theme, its hardcoded in aswell,