Run two "sites" of concrete5 from a single concrete5 folder

I have concrete5 running in my root folder. But I need to build out a new section of my site (with new add-ons) in a folder called say, "dev".

Is it possible to copy out my existing folders (blocks, controllers, theme files and so on) into "dev" (which is under "root") but use the concrete5 folder in "root"? I have limited space on my hosting service. Also it's possible I might need to update concrete5 while I am building out new functionality, so to have the "updates" folder inside of dev...


shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
I have not tried running multiple sites on a one c5 installation, but if you have problem with size of core files you can remove some ofthe files for a lighter one.
Check this out for details:
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Franz had a post addressing this with some recomendations at

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